Welcome to Part 10 of the Win Clients with Ease: Discover the Powerful Mindset Behind the Scenes blog series.

Taking Inspired Action Towards Increasing Your Client Base.

Business planning, marketing strategies, driving sales, targets are crucial to the life of your business.

Combine this with your mindset.

Your mindset is like the quality of fuel  you put in your engine.

The quality of the fuel, the engine and car will then drive you to amazing places.

Metaphorically speaking.

From a practical and mindset perspective, here are some useful tips to help increase your client base:

  1. Set goals and forward plan.
  2. Make your goals date specific for when you want to achieve something. e.g. a year from now, you’ve had a fantastic year in your business. What’s happened?
  3. Create, re-visit, adapt and tweak your business plan.
  4. Who is your market?
  5. Where do they congregate?
  6. How will you reach them?
  7. What will you do to engage them as prospects? (what action do you want them to take, i.e. download a free e-book, sign-up to do a course, engage with a blog post, have a 1-2-1, deliver a business presentation with a call-to-action at the end. What next step do you want your audience to take?)

Successful presentation of yourself and your business is the true way to self-promotion.

Presentation and publicity can be either off-line and through personal contact with people at networking events, presentations, meetings, conferences, 1-2-1s.

And through online methods such as the allure and ease of use of your website, promotional videos, podcasts, social media platforms etc.

If you don’t feel comfortable with self-promotion and shy away from it, your business will suffer.

A large number of small business owners feel nervous at the thought of delivering a business presentation to a network, or filming an online video because the idea of self-promotion through presenting to an audience can be nerve-wracking.

Fear of rejection seems to top people’s fears.

A worry of what others may think.

A worry of how you come across.

You get the idea.

However, publicity through presentation be it in person, blogging, videos, podcasts etc are powerful ways to reach business audiences and are great publicity and sales tools.

So think about it.

If presenting is an issue for you, think about why it’s an issue for you?

Ask yourself, what’s the best thing that can happen?

Consider that many people’s greatest fear around presenting is ultimately a fear of rejection.

Being judged.


A ‘what if …?’ scenario (what if I forget what I’m going to say, what if my mind goes blank etc.)

What will people be thinking?! Shock horror!

Overcoming those nerves will make a big difference to you.

Write down any unhelpful thoughts you have around presenting, then rip them up and put them in the bin.

Get out a big piece of paper and write down what you’re going to do from now on!

In the meantime, have a look at the book Win Clients with Ease: Discover the Powerful Mindset Behind the Scenes is available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=win+clients+with+ease

“Win Clients With Ease: The Powerful Mindset Behind The Scenes, is an indispensable guide for solopreneurs and small business owners to gaining a deeper understanding of how your mindset affects your business to a greater degree than you may have previously been aware.”