The Confidence Clinic
A FREE 45 minute face-to-face 1-1 coaching drop-in session strictly by appointment only, centred around confidence building and growing your self-belief.
Hello there, I’m Desi, a coach, speaker and trainer specialising in confidence building and presentation training for women professionals. As a result of increased self-belief and presenting yourself in a more magnetic way, you will develop a powerful frame of mind and you will be able to use your body language and your voice in a confident way to ask for a payrise, go for the promotion, progress your career, excel at interviews, meetings and presentations.
Voice and body language is so important because that comprises of over 90% of your communication. Words only count for a measly 7%. Therefore in a work situation, you are communicating before you’ve even opened your mouth. When your mind is confident, free of self-doubting thoughts and your body language is powerful, you will be able to achieve greater results at work.
90% of my client base are female and one of the most common themes I deal with are issues around self-confidence, self belief and self doubt. Our male counterparts seem to be more at ease in going for what they want. But with women, often they don’t feel comfortable expressing their needs fully or going for what they want for fear of rocking the boat, appearing pushy or simply lacking the confidence in doing so, worried of what may happen.
If you feel like you sometimes doubt yourself and your abilities, concerned about where your career is headed or feeling unfulfilled in some way, then you may consider booking on to our FREE 45 minute 1-1 coaching session.
There are only 6 places available!!
14th August – Slots available: 4pm, 5.15pm, 6.30pm
19th August – Slots available: 4pm, 5.15pm, 6.30pm.
Please get in touch with me today to reserve your place. Email me on with your preferred time and date and I shall be in touch asap to let me know whether there are still places available.
Location: Kings Cross Renaissance Hotel, St Pancras, London NW1.