Thinking, For a Change.
How to Nurture Your Mind and Nourish Your Soul.
We here we are in late summer. At the moment the weather seems to be alternating between cooler, cloudy days and warm, muggy afternoons. We’ve certainly had a hot summer this year. The school holidays are in full swing, the roads are a little quieter during school run hours, and as we head towards September, that is often a time of year to start to think about what is coming around the corner as we head towards Autumn. Schools re-open, businesses may start to get busier (depending on your business, August can often be a little quiet). Maybe it’s time for a little contemplation about what the last quarter of the year may hold….
The ambiguity in the first part of the title can be read in different ways. Do you want your thinking to create some sort of change in how you think, feel, behave and react. Or is it a case of you simply thinking. Or something else….
We as humans, think. We have been programmed that way. We tend to think – a lot. Some sources state that we may have in the region of around 50,000-70,000 thoughts per day. Our minds are routinely filled with many different types of thoughts on a daily basis. Some random. Some happy. Some sad. Some pointless. Some useful. And others super enlightening!
Most of the time our minds are not free of thoughts. To have your mind be still usually comes as a result of meditation, quiet time, being in nature, relaxing in the bathtub, taking the dog for walk, stroking a pet, going for a run, sitting in the garden having a cup of tea, people watching in a coffee shop. You get the idea.
As children, we tend to think less, but more focused on what is going on in the moment. Almost like a form of Mindfulness in action. Totally engrossed on the present time. Therefore children are less likely to brood about the day’s events in the same way that adults have become programmed to do. As an adult we may tend to mull things over and over again, just continually thinking and filling our mind with cluttered thinking. Trying, just trying to find a solution to that same old reoccurring problem.
Trouble is, the more we try, the less likely we are to find that elusive solution and instead having stale thoughts that just keep us focused on the problem rather than on what we could do differently.
This is where we need to ‘think, for a change.’
To think clearly, with clarity and with ease.
Thinking for an actual change.
That change being: to find a solution or an insight to that problem that has been troubling us for a while.
Knowing what to do next.
Making a plan.
Formulating goals.
Developing a strategy.
Designing a product.
All this requires continual, fresh thinking moment by moment. You can make a profound change in yourself by simply changing the way you think. Your perspective can shift in an instant. We call this an insight.
The quieter the mind, the more frequent and more profound the insights and enlightening moments can be. One new thought can change everything.
The moral of the story, stop ‘trying’ and start ‘allowing’. Notice how each of those words, when contemplated, has a totally different feel and connotation. ‘Allowing’ implies more of a flow.
‘Trying’ feels a bit more like an effort and can result in resistance and avoidance. Simply adjust the language in your own mind. Give it a whirl. Allow yourself to have some quiet time. That peaceful time is vital. When you don’t necessarily have to ‘think’ of anything. It’s a time for contemplation. Which leads to clarity, fresh thoughts and can give rise to insights.
10 minutes a day is all you need if you’re struggling to find time. I understand this may be difficult when we have such busy lives. I have two small children under the age of 4. I don’t have alot of time between them, running my business and family time. This ‘down time’ is even more important when you don’t have time! Go for a walk. Sit in the garden. Have a bath. Keep it simple. When you nurture your mind, you nourish the soul.
The more you do that, the better it is for you and your business….
You can start now, what is it that you want to think, feel and do?
Food for thought.
Enjoy your day!
Desi x
p.s. if you interested in understanding abit more on how to nurture your mind to help your business, feel free to have a read of “10 Ways to Make A Magnetic First Impression” by popping in your details to the right of the page. We will NEVER sell on or pass your details onto any third parties and neither will you be bombarded by an endless stream of newsletters either!! Feel free to peruse around our website.
p.p.s I had a book published last year which centres around nurturing and cultivating your mind for greater business success.
If you are remotely curious (or even if you aren’t), the book Win Clients with Ease: Discover the Powerful Mindset Behind the Scenes is available on Amazon:
Win Clients With Ease: The Powerful Mindset Behind The Scenes, is an indispensable guide for solopreneurs and small business owners to gaining a deeper understanding of how your mindset affects your business to a greater degree than you may have previously been aware.
“In this book, Desi asks questions that examine your thoughts, beliefs and actions in order to help you determine how your behaviour affects your business results and to assist you to become aware of how you may subconsciously be sabotaging your own success without you even realising it. She also covers strong elements from business and ‘soft’ skills to enable you to take practical steps towards increasing your client base.
This book is written in a simple, conversational style and is mostly geared towards those thinking of starting a business, start-ups, solopreneurs and established small businesses.
A must-have if you want to learn more about how to tap into the power of the mind to positively affect your business success.”