If you are self-employed or run your own business, you may want to read this….

Many people in the UK are self-employed or run a small business. There may be a number of reasons why you decided to ‘work for yourself’, so to speak.

Perhaps it may have been the opportunity to have more flexible working hours.

Greater freedom, creativity and control.

Being your own boss.

The chance to create more financial independence and abundance.

You will of course, have your own reasons.

As you will testify, this also comes with the constant need to generate new clients.

Nurturing existing clients.

Getting repeat business.

Understanding the importance of asking for recommendations and referrals from happy and satisfied clients.

So what next?

Well, I’m not going to give you the very commonly used ‘sob story’ of ‘rags-to-riches’ in this introduction.

I’m simply going to share with you the hugely important perspective of understanding mindset and presentation when it comes to attracting new clients.

I’ve been coaching and training since 2008, specialising in mindset coaching, presentation training and confidence building for professionals. In my ‘previous life’, so to speak, I spent 12 years working in the TV production industry working up to Producer level. This enabled me to gain a deep understanding of how to initially get audiences attracted and keep them engaged.

How you present yourself to prospective clients is key. Your body language and voice tone will communicate strong messages to the other person before you have even opened your mouth.

First impressions really do count.

After all, you are representative of your own business. How do you want others to perceive you?

If you would like to understand more about how to attract new clients, then keep reading.


From TV Production to Coaching and Training: Discover the Powerful Mindset Behind the Scenes.

Welcome to the blog series centred around the book, Win Clients with Ease: Discover the Powerful Mindset Behind the Scenes. There are 13 articles in this series which will introduce you to the mindset and presentation aspect of what goes on when you are in the business of attracting new clients and customers to your business or organisation. There is much more at play – within your mindset, behind the scenes and how you present yourself, than simply sales, marketing and business strategies.

How did Win Clients with Ease: Discover the Powerful Mindset Behind the Scenes come about?

It started out when I embarked on a journey which saw me through a huge career change; moving away from the ‘bright lights’ of a successful career in television production that spanned 12 years to a new role from 2008 onwards as a mindset coach and a business skills trainer in the personal and professional development sector. Firstly, how is this relevant to you? Well, if you run your own business or work for an organisation where attracting new clients and nurturing existing clients is vital, then considering the mindset aspect of generating new business may be of interest. So consider these questions…

Have you and are you continuing to spend time generating business?

Are you and have you invested money in generating business ?

Would you like to understand how to present yourself more effectively to prospective clients in order to generate new business?

If you answered ‘yes’ to at least one of those questions, then feel free to read on. Or even if you’re simply curious….

I set up my own business in 2008-2009 and began to attract new clients through beginning to understand the sometimes seemingly complex world of sales and marketing – certainly if this is something you are new to. Admittedly, I didn’t have a clue when I first started.

Or so I thought.

Initially it felt abit daunting. Like being on this constant treadmill of balancing drumming up new business and spending time actually working with clients through either coaching or training sessions. What I hadn’t realised at the time was that there was a link between working in TV production as a freelancer to running my own business as a self-employed person. The simiolarity being constantly being on the look out for new work. What I realised was how many factors came into play aside from sales and marketing:

  • Making yourself stand out from the crowd and other people offering similar services to you
  • Your written sales pitch – be it a CV and a covering letter or a biog and proposal
  • Your ability to write creatively in order to engage the reader and elicit a sense of curiosity and interest in the other person motivating them to find out more about you and what you do
  • Your ability to build rapport and network effectively which gets you noticed and helps you to build strategic business connections
  • How you present yourself – it’s not just the words you use but how you use them; the sound of your voice and how well you utilise the power of body language that will form the basis of your communication to your audience and how they perceive you


These are important points that you may ponder if you wish…. In blog article 2, we examine your state of mind and why it plays such a crucial role in your personal and professional success and fulfilment: The Mindset of Belief: Is your Mind Chatter a Help or a Hindrance?  Of course, success and fulfilment means different things to different people. Only you know what that means to you. Have a great rest of the day and blog article 2 coming soon…

In the meantime, feel free to peruse around our website: www.desichristou.com

If you are remotely curious (or even if you aren’t), the book Win Clients with Ease: Discover the Powerful Mindset Behind the Scenes is available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=win+clients+with+ease

“Win Clients With Ease: The Powerful Mindset Behind The Scenes, is an indispensable guide for solopreneurs and small business owners to gaining a deeper understanding of how your mindset affects your business to a greater degree than you may have previously been aware.”

“In this book, Desi asks questions that examine your thoughts, beliefs and actions in order to help you determine how your behaviour affects your business results and to assist you to become aware of how you may subconsciously be sabotaging your own success without you even realising it. She also covers strong elements from business and ‘soft’ skills to enable you to take practical steps towards increasing your client base.”

“This book is written in a simple, conversational style and is mostly geared towards those thinking of starting a business, start-ups, solopreneurs and established small businesses.”

“A must-have if you want to learn more about how to tap into the power of the mind to positively affect your business success.”