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Children & Young People

We run talks and workshops for parents and educational professionals centred around protecting children and young people’s mental health. We look at risk factors and protective factors to help the children and young people of today – thrive. Our focus is on teaching life skills and nurturing good mental health to help them grow into well-balanced, confident and resilience adults.


Themes we cover include the following:

  • Building confidence and self-esteem
  • Managing and regulating emotions
  • Dealing with stress and building resilience
  • Public speaking skills
  • Goal setting
  • Positive thinking
  • Developing a growth mindset



3 critical mindsets to install in our kids are: curiosity, tenacity, passion, courage and purpose.

Be willing to expose your child to lots of different leisure pursuits and paths open to them (safely of course!)

Let them follow their passion

The best way to teach is to show not tell, practise and not preach.

If you would like more information around nurturing children and young people’s mental health, developing resilience and learning life skills, then please contact us here citing CHILDREN in the subject header and we will respond within 24 hours.